-Name: Abigail S. Lacang
-Date of birth: April 22,1997
-Major: Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy
-School: University of the Immaculate Conception
-Holding certificate (for ex, ESL): TEFL
Hello! My name is Abigail, and I’m from the Philippines. I am a qualified Tefl certified and I’m a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy.
I believed that learning English doesn’t have to be difficult and boring, I enjoy helping people to boost their confidence by improving their speaking, writing and reading skills.
My teaching style is friendly, and if you’re a new student, I always like to start the first lesson by getting to know you, your interests, and your goals.
What are you waiting for? Let’s learn English for fun and easy way!
수강생 관리가 뛰어난 아비가일샘
매달 피드백을 받아보면 항상 수업을 열정적으로 진행하고 맡은 바 수업에 정말성실한 선생님입니다.
어린 수강생들 눈높이에 맞춰서도 재미있게 수업을 잘 진행하기 때문에 어린 자녀를 둔, 화상영어 수업을 처음 해보는 부모님들께도 추천드리는 선생님입니다.
-Name: Abigail S. Lacang
-Date of birth: April 22,1997
-Major: Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy
-School: University of the Immaculate Conception
-Holding certificate (for ex, ESL): TEFL
Hello! My name is Abigail, and I’m from the Philippines. I am a qualified Tefl certified and I’m a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy.
I believed that learning English doesn’t have to be difficult and boring, I enjoy helping people to boost their confidence by improving their speaking, writing and reading skills.
My teaching style is friendly, and if you’re a new student, I always like to start the first lesson by getting to know you, your interests, and your goals.
What are you waiting for? Let’s learn English for fun and easy way!
수강생 관리가 뛰어난 아비가일샘
매달 피드백을 받아보면 항상 수업을 열정적으로 진행하고 맡은 바 수업에 정말성실한 선생님입니다.
어린 수강생들 눈높이에 맞춰서도 재미있게 수업을 잘 진행하기 때문에 어린 자녀를 둔, 화상영어 수업을 처음 해보는 부모님들께도 추천드리는 선생님입니다.